Do you know games this times??? In this high tecnology era, there are many invention in electronics for household items and nowadays electronic games. Playing electronic games become most people daily activity on their spare time since there are no enough spaces to play outside.

Many kinds of electronic games we already know, such as the everpopular, Nitendo and Playstation. This kind of games get more attention from young children to adult than the traditional one. Of course, not all people have the opportunity to buy their own modern games because the price is very expensive.

There is one modern games that is well know among people from kind to adult. That is playstation. This games is one of the technological inventions. It needs electric to play this game. Not only electric but also another modern attribute that is related one to another, television or computer. Of course, this is not easy to play this games. We need to know how this equipment work.

In this modern era we often forget that traditional games. Traditional games are not expensive and we don’t spend any money on it. Traditional games is more fun than the modern games. There are some games that are commonly played by children and also adult sometimes: playing marbels, kies, petak umpet, lompat tali, seek, etc.That’s why we don’t forget to tradisional games altought in this modern era, because it all for remember our childhood.

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